Guys! It's almost MoFo! Are you excited? I AM SO EXCITED.
I am also very busy this year, though. Okay, I am always busy during MoFo.
Let's look at my past few years:
1st MoFo - 2008 - in grad school - aaaaaaaah so busy.
2nd MoFo - 2009 - the Emperor was a little over a month old (it was November that year) and I was sooooo busy.
3rd MoFo - 2010 - I guess this was my least busy MoFo year but I was traveling a ton and stuff. Still busy!
4th MoFo - 2011 - working full time, gestatin', and MoFoing with a theme. So busy!!
This year - I'm back in grad school! Different program, different university, same full schedule, oh boy. Twice a week I head over the hill for about 10 hours at a stretch... the rest of the week I do the full-time mom thing and try to cram my grad work in where it'll fit. Do that math and you'll see, this is probably my busiest MoFo ever!
So I've been struggling trying to work out a theme that will fit into my super busy schedule while also being something I actually want to do/think is cool. I've been trying to make this idea of a virtual travelogue work out.... a trip through Asia on my blog.
You know that nagging feeling you have sometimes when you have an idea and it seems pretty good, but you know it's just not quite the *right* idea? (Like-- I really like the name Cyrus, and considered it heavily for the Magician. But while it's a great name and it's the right name for someone, I just knew it wasn't quite the *right* one for M.) Well, that's how I felt about this one. I went ahead and signed up for MoFo with that one listed even though I wasn't 100% dedicated, and then of course like 19 hours after I'd signed up I had THE ONE pop into my head:
Dips, guys, dips. Are you with me? Dips are everything I like about food. They're fast. They're delicious. They have variety. THEY ARE FUN TO EAT. I can make them in the morning and leave them in the fridge and other people can figure out how to pull them out and eat them for dinner without my guidance.
So watch this space. We'll be in dippin' days soon.
These guys are still super cute, and will feature in MoFo again this year: