Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Vegan MoFo Day 16: POT PIE!!! And more.

Brief again. Sorry. Camera drama.

Avocado veggie burger at 99 Bottles in Santa Cruz. Tasty. The Emperor liked the avocado and the fries, nothing else.

Took a long time to make dinner. This is what I ate while I was waiting... a glass of wine and a pumpkin spice granola bar.

FINALLY! Pot pie in the cast iron pan.

This was too freaking good. I could eat pot pie every day.

The Emperor ate almost nothing today. I think he's getting a new tooth. He seems to be on a food strike. Nursing every 20 minutes all night long... sigh.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the midst of a pot pie obsession. What's in yours? And I'm super-sorry about the nursing spree - isn't sleep the greatest?
