Thursday, March 15, 2012

Salad and stew (Return to Normalcy #15)

Halfway through the month! Wooooo! I may not be saying much of consequence, but I'm managing to squeeze blogging in, and that makes me happy.

Here's tonight's dinner. First thing's first, salad. AGAIN! Two salads in two weeks. Crazy.

Arugula salad w/raisin vinaigrette

And here's some stew:

Some stew

Both test recipes for Isa. It's actually the second time I made the stew but I didn't take pictures the first time. Rain makes me want non-stop stew.

And of course, the young men. Here is a horrible picture of the Emperor that he demanded I take and upload:

"take my picture!" he said.

And a slightly better picture of the Magician smiling. He's not smiling at nothing, I was actually off to the side looking at him while holding my phone out at an odd angle.

Smiling again

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