Saturday, October 27, 2012

MoFo #26: Super Lazy Bean Dip

Today we had a big lunch out, so no one was really hungry at dinner time.  Aaah!  What to dip do?  Well, I banged out a quick dip that we'll actually have for snack tomorrow, this super lazy bean dip:

Super lazy bean dip

It's basically a can of fat-free refried beans + 3 cloves of garlic + 3/4c loosely packed cilantro + some salt + a hot pepper from a friend's garden.  I crushed everything but the beans in my mortar and pestle, then mixed the paste into the beans.  Et voila.

Not fancy, but tasty, and I'm looking forward to snacking on it with some of the miscellaneous vegetables in the fridge.

I failed at taking any still photographs of the children today, but here's a video of the Magician waving. (Please pardon the Emperor and I making squeaky baby voices in the background, M just started waving a few days ago and we're still all quite excited by it.)

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